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File Created: 06-Mar-2013 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  30-Mar-2022 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name ROAD, SILVER COIN Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 104B020
Status Showing NTS Map 104B01E
Latitude 056º 06' 13'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 130º 01' 37'' Northing 6218100
Easting 436125
Commodities Zinc, Lead Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
H05 : Epithermal Au-Ag: low sulphidation
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The area of the Road zone is underlain by andesitic rock of the Lower Jurassic Unuk River Formation of the Hazelton Group. A northwest trending belt of folded volcanic rocks contain a thick sedimentary sequence infolded along a synclinal axis.

In 2006, Pinnacle Mines reported that the Road zone had been exposed in a new road built connecting the area of the Terminus showing (MINFILE 104B 002) with those located on the west side of Big Missouri Ridge such as the Silver Butte (MINFILE 104B 150) occurrence. It consists of en echelon quartz-calcite-sulphide stockworks along a north trending zone of sheared andesitic rocks. The strike of the zone is north-south with an apparent gentle dip to the west. The mineralized zone is just west of the major regional, north south striking Union fault.

The quartz-calcite-sulphide stockworks form individual lenses that are up to 20 meters long, 3 to 4 meters thick with unknown dimensions down dip. The zone has been exposed along 100 meters of length. The zone differs from the other zones in that coarse red-brown sphalerite occurs within barite rich portions of the zone. Overall pyrite, sphalerite and traces galena form 5 to 6 per cent of the mineralized quartz-calcite. Greenockite staining is common in the sulphide portion of the zone.

Work History

In 2003, Mountain Boy Minerals conducted prospecting and trenching on Terminus (MINFILE 104B 002) and near Noname Lake. Mountain Boy and Pinnacle Mines completed a total of 288 meters of trenching on the Silver Coin property mostly on the Silver Butte area (MINFILE 104B 150).

In 2005, Mountain Boy Minerals and Pinnacle Mines conducted an exploration program that included, trenching, diamond drilling, geochemical sampling, trail building and soil sampling. A total of 8041.61 meters of NQ, BTW and ATW size core was drilled in 67 separate drill holes with most of the drilling focused in the Silver Butte area with minor drilling testing targets in 4 other areas. A total of 750 meters of trenching were carried out in 47 trenches. Two trenches were excavated with the following assay results at Noname Lake.

In 2006, Pinnacle Mines conducted a total of 500 meters of trenching in 15 trenches using an excavator in order to obtain bedrock samples for assaying. A total of 24,151.3 meters of NQ and BTW size core was drilled in 115 separate drill holes with most of the drilling focused in one main area with minor drilling testing targets in 2 other areas. The main zone tested was the Main Breccia zone on the Kansas and Big Missouri claims with minor drilling testing the area of Dan zone on the Dan Fraction claim and Dauntless Hill zone on the Indi 9 claim. Some soil and rock sampling were also completed.

In 2010, Jayden Resources (formerly Pinnacle Mines) completed 2,808 metres of drilling in 18 NQ-sized core surface drill holes in order to expand and infill the known resources. Four drill holes were drilled on the Kansas Crown Grant, ten drill holes were drilled on the Big Missouri (405872), one drill hole was drilled on each of the Silver Coin 9 (406223) and Dan Fraction (404872), and two drill holes were drilled on the Packers (405874) mineral tenure for a total of 18 drill holes. The drilling program targeted potential mineralization along strike and improved the definition of high-grade zones within the Main Breccia Zone.

See Silver Butte (MINFILE 104B 150) for related details and a common Silver Coin property work history.

EMPR ASS RPT 912, 2320, *3013, 8202, *29383, *32699, 33267, 33401, 35410, 38850, 39342
EMPR BULL 58, p. 126; 63
EMPR EXPL 1980-461
EMPR FIELDWORK 1980, pp. 201-209; 1982, pp. 182-195; 1983, pp. 149-164; 1984, pp. 316-341; 1985, pp. 217, 218; 1986, pp. 81-92, *93-102
EMPR OF 1987-22
GSC MAP 9-1957; 307A; 1418A; 1829
GSC P 89-1E, pp. 145-154
CIM SPEC. Vol. 37, pp. 202-215
Pinnacle Mines, Ltd. (2009-12-30): Silver Coin Gold Project NI 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment Report, Stewart, British Columbia, Canada
Butler, S. (2013-08-23): NI 43-101 Report – Silver Coin Project
Rennie, D.W. (2019-01-17): Technical Report on the Premier Project
Bird, S.C., Meintjes, T. (2020-02-28): Resource Estimate Update for the Premier Gold Project, Stewart, British Columbia, Canada
Ascot Resources Limited (2020-05-22): Premier & Red Mountain Gold Project Feasibility Study NI 43-101 Technical Report, British Columbia